We are so grateful for community members’ generosity and desire to help. FFLC can accept food donations at our 770 Bailey Hill Road location, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.Please call ahead at 541-343-2822 if you are donating a large volume of food. Peanut butter, tuna, canned vegetables, canned stews, soups and chili are among the most-needed foods.
Due to time/temperature and cold chain regulations we are unable to accept frozen foods, dairy and meats. Please consider donating funds and we’ll purchase frozen protein items with food safety best practices in mind.
Home Garden Produce Donations:
Drop produce off at FFLC’s West Broadway Warehouse, at 2345 West Broadway, Monday through Thursday between 8:30am – 3:30pm. We will gladly accept any non-damaged, non-wormy, non-ground fall, normal sized (not overly large) fruits or vegetables. Pre-bagged leafy produce is best, but we’ll take it either way.
Please wash your hands and follow safety best practices while harvesting. Use sanitized and clean containers for both harvesting and delivery.
Upon arriving at our West Broadway warehouse, please go through the doors labeled “Partner Agency Entrance” and ring doorbell for assistance. An FFLC staff member will take your donation, and give you a receipt if you want one. Thank you!