Gardens Program
FOOD For Lane County has two gardens — the GrassRoots Garden and the Youth Farm — that grow fresh nutritious food for distribution through the FFLC network of partner agencies while providing opportunities for youth and adults to grow, learn and contribute to their community. More than 2,000 children and youth visit the gardens each year, and youth and adults gain skills in gardening, nutrition, and community building.
Interested in Volunteering?
To learn more about drop-in volunteer hours and opportunities at the GrassRoots Garden and the Youth Farm, click here.
GrassRoots Garden
The GrassRoots Garden is a 2.5-acre garden that includes a City of Eugene compost demonstration site and a full outdoor kitchen. FFLC staff maintain the GrassRoots Garden with help from thousands of children, youth and adult volunteers. Staff and OSU Lane County Extension Master Gardeners teach workshops and lead educational activities in the garden.
Volunteer: Drop-in volunteer hours are available at the GrassRoots Garden for adults 18 and over. To learn more about drop-in volunteer hours and opportunities at the GrassRoots Garden, click here.
Visit: 1465 Coburg Road, Eugene, OR 97401 (Behind St. Thomas Episcopal Church)
Youth Farm
The Youth Farm is a 5-acre urban educational farm and a work experience site for youth. Each year, community volunteers assist staff in growing over 100,000 pounds of organic produce, learning while growing.
Volunteer: All volunteers 16 years and up are welcome to help at the Youth Farm! Whether you have a couple of hours or all day to volunteer, any time you have to give is very much appreciated.
To learn more about volunteer hours and opportunities at the Youth Farm, click here.
Visit: 705 Flamingo Ave., Springfield, OR 97477
Other Garden Programs
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)
Join the Youth Farm for a culinary and agriculture adventure! Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) establishes a direct link between food consumers and food growers. Through our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program, you can support the Youth Farm and FOOD For Lane County, feel a direct connection to the land and people who grow your food, and receive fresh, nutritious produce throughout the growing season.
When you become a CSA member and commit to supporting FFLC’s Youth Farm, you put down a good faith deposit before the season begins and we use your investment to start growing and farming your food!
Each summer, a crew of teens works at the farm where they receive job skills and training in gardening, leadership, financial management and nutrition while growing food for FFLC and for a 100+ member Community Supported Agriculture Program and produce stand.
Want to Become a Community Supported Agriculture Member?
Click here to learn more about Community Supported Agriculture Program membership and benefits.
Seed to Supper & Gardening Workshops
Seed to Supper is a comprehensive, six-week beginning gardening course that gives novice, adult gardeners the tools they need to successfully grow a portion of their own food on a limited budget. FOOD for Lane County offers Seed to Supper in partnership with Oregon Food Bank.
Course Topics:
-Garden site and soil development
-Garden planning
-Planting a garden
-Caring for a growing garden
-Harvesting and using garden bounty
If you would like to volunteer to be a Seed to Supper Educator, Please fill out an application and then email us here.

Trillium Veggie RX in Association with the FFLC Youth Farm
Trillium Veggie Rx provides access to free fresh fruits and vegetables to patients as a way to help with a variety of health conditions, or if they screen positive for food insecurity using the Screen & Intervene screening tool. The patient takes the vegetable prescription/voucher to the FFLC Youth Farm stand, or gets a subsidized weekly box of vegetables.