Upcoming Mobile Pantry Distributions

The FFLC Mobile Pantry will begin hosting distributions in Cottage Grove once again starting on February 22nd. Please refer to the Google Calendar for more detailed information.

Please refer to the Mobile Pantry Google Calendar for more detailed information on specific dates and cancellations.

Please refer to the section below the calendar for any updates or cancellations. Or follow us on Instagram @fflcmobilepantry for real time updates.

Or sign up to receive updates to the schedule via email.

food for lane county mobile pantry calendario de distribución centro latino americano 1 y 3ro viernes 10 am - 12 pm bethel school district 1 y 3ro jueves 10:15 M -12:15 pm cottage grove 7mo y whiteaker, detras de Umpqua Bank 2do y 4to Miercoles sheldon community center 2do viernes 1 pm - 3 pm ¡por favor traiga sus propias bolsas! para mayor información sobre otros despensos escanee la imágen a visite: foodforlanecounty.org/get-help Si desea conocer más sobre la despenso móvil visite el sitio web: foodforlanecounty.org/mobile-pantry Síganos en instagram en las cuentas: @fflcmobilepantry y @foodforlanecounty FOOD For Lane County es un proveedor de igualidad de oportunidades bethel school district 4656 barger drive, eugene shasta middle school parking lot (near ball fields) 1st and 3rd Thursdays 10:15 am - 12:15 pm Cottage Grove 7th and Whiteaker Parking Lot, behind Umpqua Bank 2nd and 4th Wednesdays 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm Sheldon Community Center 2445 Willakenzie road, Eugene 2nd Fridays 1 pm - 3 pm please bring your own bags! for more locations, visit: foodforlanecounty.org/get-help for more info on the mobile pantry, visit: foodforlanecounty.org/mobile-pantry follow us on instagram! @fflcmobilepantry and @foodforlancounty FOOD For Lane County is an equal opportunity provider